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Saturday, June 23, 2007 

June 23

Today, Matt had to hurry off to Caratunk to get his mail drop. The plan was for him to leave around seven or eight, but he didn't head out until nine. This meant he had to rush through the last six miles to town. He ended up making it to the post office at 11:10, and the place closed at 1115. All was well.

My morning was nowhere near as exciting. I ended up laying around until 9:30. I then decided to make some hot chocolate. I eventually got back on the trail at 10:30. I hauled it to town, making it in less than three hours. Matt left me a note saying the milkshake place was closed but that he was going up the road two miles to a restaurant lodge. I walked about a mile down the road until I hit the ferry guy's camp. He saw me, told me I was hurt, and drove me to the lodge. I got there right at two.

Matt was sitting down with Treats and Castle. I head over to the table, and Matt gives me the room key and map to the room. It's at the very top of the hill. He apologizes for the crappy location and begs me not to kill him in his sleep.

I eventually make it to the top of the hill. I take a nice shower and head back down to get some food. The place had their own brewery and did rafting trips, so it was quite busy. I ordered the chicken fingers, and dreamed about what I'd order for dinner. Treats and Castle eventually left, after polishing off my leftovers. It was then nap time. After a good two hour snooze fest, we got motivated for laundry and dinner. We tossed our clothes in and went to eat. It was a tad depressing - they only offer three dinner entrees a night, and tonight they were all seafood. I ended up getting a burger with sweet potato fries and some ice cream. It was all very good. I then went back to the cabin and Matt went to the hot tub. The lodge had a live band playing, since it was Saturday night, but I wasn't into hearing them. I let my ankle soak for an hour and then called it a night.

It was a pain to wake up the next morning. The ferry only runs from 9 to 11, and we had to meet the shuttle people at 8:30, so Matt could go to the general store to get some bug spray. I eventually got all my crap back in my bag, and headed down to breakfast. It was a buffet, which was pretty awesome. The eggs were subpar, but the bacon was amazing. I also got plenty of OJ. I finished up right as Matt came down. They called for the shuttle, but it never came. The chick from the bar eventually have us a ride, so we made it in plenty of time to catch the ferry.

About me

  • I'm hiking the trail for the first time.
  • My brother is taking the emails I send and posting them for everyone to read.
  • It's almost like you're there.
  • I'm currently in New Hampshire.
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