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Monday, June 18, 2007 

June 18

Today started fairly early. I woke up around 6:30 and stayed in bed planning my day. I eventually got up and sorted through all my gear. I made a trash pile, a keep pile, and a send home pile. It seems like I dropped a lot of weight from my pack, but I have yet to attempt to fit my food in yet.

I then decided to take a shower. After that I went to the post office to buy some boxes. I bought one to mail stuff home and one for a bounce box. I packed up one box to send home. It included my 15 degree bag, my vest, a long sleeve shirt, my towel, and everything else I hadn't used during the wilderness. I took it to get mailed and it cost me $30. I then went back to the room to gather my things.

Buddy came to get us around 10:45. I was ready to go, but Matt still had a few things to do. On the way out of town, we stopped so he could get a watch.

We arrived in Monson and checked into Shaw's. We got a private room with two beds, which was good because Willie was staying here also. After we got settled, we went to explore the town.

Right after we turned the corner we were met by our favorite person. We didn't want to see him, but we did want to hear how he got out of the wilderness. He told us that he never saw the couple that offered him a ride again, and that he had tried walking down an old fish farm road. He did see a couple in a jeep there, but they wouldn't give him a ride. But they did give him sandwiches. He ended up wasting that day.

Then he hiked to the next lean-to, where a hiker gave him some tuna. The next day he got out of the wilderness around 5:30, the same day we did, except we got out in the morning. He tried hitching a ride to Monson, but no one would pick him up. He then found a piece of wood and used his sharpie to write Monson on it. He was then promptly picked up and taken to Shaw's. After telling his tale, he decided to stalk us for the afternoon.

We went by the post office, but it was closed for lunch. We then headed down to the Mobil, which had a place to order food inside. We bought drinks and I ordered a pizza. The pizza was delicious. We then headed back to our room stopping by the post office on the way back. We lost Willie at an antique store, which only supported our theory that he should go gay.

I retrieved my four packages and opened them immediately. My eyes filled with tears of joy when I opened up my steripen. I was also excited to get my smaller sleeping bag. All the lovely goodies mother included were wonderful also.

After getting back to Shaw's, I took a nap while Matt hung out downstairs. I eventually joined him. The afternoon was filled with mindless chit chat. We headed out for dinner around six, which we got at the Mobil. We wanted to try the pub, but it's closed on Mondays. We had the burgers for dinner, and they were surprisingly decent.

There are a lot of Southbounders in Monson tonight - probably around a dozen or so. We're glad we spent the night in Greenville; all these people are a bit overwhelming. We're also glad we resupplied there, since they have an actual grocery store. The general store here is nice, but since I'm a picky eater, I would have little to choose from.

The rest of the evening was spent chatting. I had my last shower for awhile. I packed my bag and it feels about 30 to 35 pounds. I'm hoping to be asleep by 11, but we still have to plan our hikes for the next few days.

Tomorrow's breakfast is supposed to be good. I'm looking forward to plates of bacon.

About me

  • I'm hiking the trail for the first time.
  • My brother is taking the emails I send and posting them for everyone to read.
  • It's almost like you're there.
  • I'm currently in New Hampshire.
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