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Tuesday, June 12, 2007 

June 12

Today was a lazy start to the day. We didn't head out until ten. I made several attempts to find the trail. On the third guess I was, in fact, on the correct trail.

It was a slow 1.5 miles to the top of the mountain. It took about two hours, which included several stops. On the top I had excellent cell service. I made a phone call to my mom and sent out my most recent emails. We saw yet another view of Katahdin. There was also a small building on top with solar panels. We think it was a weather station. There was a lock on the door, and we were tempted to break in. We decided to stay legal and keep on walking down the trail.

After about a mile going downhill, we came to a side trail. Matt had no water and I had very little. The next stream was miles away. Luckily, there was a sign that said there was water just .6 miles down the trail. We had to make the journey to survive. It was a waste of an hour. It was steep going down, and a pain to come back up.

We found the water. It was ice cold and delicious. On the way back up, there was a tiny meadow. I told Matt to go ahead to the next shelter, which was five miles down the way. In the meadow I found some moose bones.

At the top of the trail, I stopped and had some lunch. I then continued on the trail. After about an hour, I got my foot stuck and felt myself falling. The ground was quite steep, so I grabbed on to whatever I could. I grabbed a branch and swung myself around to the side. Instead of letting my head hit a rock, I decided to head-butt a branch. I sat down on a rock to regain myself. And that's when my favorite person came down the trail.

To make things even more interesting, he wasn't wearing pants.

I'm serious.

Apparently some guy at the last shelter had taken a pair of his shorts. His other pair was wet, so instead, he got a piece of cloth and tied it around his man bits.

He stayed with me for the next four hours. Luckily, he stayed behind me. He had made plans to stay at the campsite, but went with me all the way to the lean-to, to make sure I made it safely.

The trail was a pain - steep up hills and downs. There was one nice level place, on top of Gulf Hagas, where there were wildflowers. It felt like there was no end, but once we made it to the top, we realized there was only a mile to the lean-to. I made it around 8:30. I hiked less than eight miles, but it felt like eight million.

Tomorrow's plan is to hike either eleven or seventeen, if Matt doesn't burn the shelter down with me in it. That boy loves his fire.

it's really sad that you brought a cell phone on a thruhike of the a.t.. got to be the most idiotic piece of "gear" anyone would consider carrying. i wish you luck with each mile but because of that phone you really almost don't deserve to be hiking. you should throw that thing out and leave your phone at home here it belongs.

If she didnt have a cellphone to send this information, you wouldn't be reading this, dipshit.

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About me

  • I'm hiking the trail for the first time.
  • My brother is taking the emails I send and posting them for everyone to read.
  • It's almost like you're there.
  • I'm currently in New Hampshire.
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