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Friday, June 8, 2007 

June 8

As we were packing up camp today, we met two new friends, Joey* and his dad (we think) who are from Boston. I asked them if they were going for burgers tomorrow, and they hadn't heard about it. They did say that they spent the night with Willie, and he was behind them. We packed up camp super quick. We climbed a bunch of dumb hills. At the end was a pond, which we both jumped in to cool off.

After a lot more walking we came to a mountain that had an incredible view of Katahdin. I had my camera buried deep in my bag, so I didn't get a picture, but I swear I was there. We did see a Northbounder. He was booking it up the mountain. He said hello in passing and that was the last we saw of him.

Our plans were to make it to a campsite tonight, but we killed two hours at the shelter talking to Joey and his (possible) dad. I told them more about the burger place and we talked about Willie. They doubted that he'd make it there tonight, but we set them straight.

Eventually Willie did show up. Everyone was quite surprised.

I let him copy down the directions to the burger place and gave him band-aids for his blisters. There was then another round of questions. I somehow ended up telling him that I was a drug mule in college and that I spend my money on male prostitutes. We also told him that Matt and I met when he was in prison for running a dog fighting ring and I led the prison Bible study. Willie declared me one of his homies, but I cannot declare him one of mine, for he will not kill for me with no questions asked.

After finally leaving that party, we had high hopes of making the campsite. I started getting a little tired, and feeling like the trail was maybe catching up with me. We completely lost the trail for about ten minutes - it was not pleasant at all. We never made it to the official campsite, so we made camp along the lake. Matt shared his tent with me again, so I was not left out in the cold. He also shared his stove, since I have yet to buy fuel for mine.

I went to bed fairly early and slept like a log, for the most part. There was one large rock around my hip area, but I managed.

Tomorrow's plan is to haul it to get burgers. We have a rough schedule to keep. Our plan is to make it to Monson by the next morning and then hitch it up the road to Greenville. There's more to do there and they have an outfitter store, so I can replace all the crap I've been losing.

* I change all names to protect the innocent and the guilty.


As one who is planning to go Southbound versus the mostly common northbound, I'm diggin' reading your posts so far.

Would love to see you start to name actual places of burgers and shelters and campsites, etc... would give others a better feel for being on the trail!!

Also -- out of the literally hundreds of Trail Journals that I've read, no one's ever changed real names to fictional ones... just wondering about that.

Anyway, Happy Hiking!

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About me

  • I'm hiking the trail for the first time.
  • My brother is taking the emails I send and posting them for everyone to read.
  • It's almost like you're there.
  • I'm currently in New Hampshire.
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