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Thursday, June 7, 2007 

June 7

Today has been an eventful day. We did end up outrunning Willie, but I had to pay it back in negative karma.

I headed out of camp by 5:30 this morning. It wasn't even ten minutes down the trail, when I had my first fall of the day. My foot got caught as I was going up, and instead of taking my time and getting my foot unstuck, I kept on going. I fell face first on the ground, with my nose landing on a rock. I heard a definite crack. There wasn't any blood and I can still breath out of it, so I'm assuming it isn't broken. Pictures will eventually follow.

The fall slowed me down for a few minutes, but I kept on going. Each step forward was one step away from Willie. I made a few minor wrong turns along the way, but for the most part stayed on course. There was a lot of mud to walk through today. It was common to step in some and have your entire shoe submerged.

The rest of the walk was mildly uneventful. I saw Matt again at a shelter, six miles from camp. He said he hiked as fast as he could to get away from Willie. We hung around the shelter for over an hour, cleaning our muddy shoes and wringing out our socks. We decided on staying at a campsite again tonight.

When we made it to said sight, I decided to put up my tent. This was another catastrophe. I had no footprint for my tent. It was impossible to set up. I have been working on it and have yet to come up with a feasible plan. Matt offered to share his tent, but I could not accept. This is my problem and I need to come to a solution on my own.

The second sad event of the day was that I lost my steripen. I looked all through my bag, and it was nowhere to be found. Luckily I had my filtering water bottle, so there is no fear of catching a parasite.

We're having another campfire tonight, so that will be fun. We're going to try and hike 13 miles tomorrow, so that on Saturday we can go get hamburgers. Where do you get hamburgers in the wilderness, you ask? Well, you just go to a dock, blow the air horn once and a boat will come and get you. We're trying to decide if we'll stay the night. We plan on arriving before lunch and checking the joint out.

About me

  • I'm hiking the trail for the first time.
  • My brother is taking the emails I send and posting them for everyone to read.
  • It's almost like you're there.
  • I'm currently in New Hampshire.
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