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Tuesday, July 3, 2007 

July 3

Today was the big adventure into town for our zero. We only had 1.8 miles to walk, and were in no hurry to do it. Everyone else we had camped with was in no hurry to leave either. No one left before nine.

I actually was out of the tent by 9:30, which was an amazing feat. We all chatted and then headed on our ways. Matt and I were the only ones planning to stop in Rangeley. We made it out to the road at 11. There was a flyer for the hostel, but we didn't have cell service. We started walking towards town, which was nine miles away. We half heartedly tried to hitch hike, but had little success. Eventually someone pulled over and we hopped in.

He was from Poland....Maine. He was building a cabin down the road and was on his way to the lumber store. He dropped us off in front of the post office. We then decided to go check into a hotel, because I had no desire to try and locate the hostel, which was six miles outside of town. We dropped off our packs in our room and went to go get our packages. Matt's maps weren't there, which made us a little panicked. We retrieved our other packages and headed back to the room. We then devoured the brownies from my mother.

After our mini-feast, we both attempted to get pretty. I succeeded, but Matt is still trying. We then headed out for a proper meal. After dining, we hit up the shops around town, followed by a wonderful ice cream dessert. Nothing else remarkable happened the rest of the afternoon.

The real fun began at nightfall. We hit up a restaurant near the lake. I ordered some beef. After finishing it, I ordered chicken tenders. I then polished off an ice cream cone on the way back to the room. We then got our jackets and headed back to the lake. The town was having a fireworks display. It was actually decent. It lasted for twenty minutes, and they didn't play cheesy music.

Although they celebrated on the 3rd, it was a pretty decent 4th.

About me

  • I'm hiking the trail for the first time.
  • My brother is taking the emails I send and posting them for everyone to read.
  • It's almost like you're there.
  • I'm currently in New Hampshire.
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